Author • Int'l Speaker • Workshops • Consulting

Trevor Thomas (Step Into your BIGness!) is the author of "Reminders from Within," a co-author of "Threshold Stories", and the owner of LightWerx Media (Conscious Web, Print & Media Design).Trevor is an International speaker & workshop leader, and a consultant for event/program leaders on retaining audience engagement (by creating support & sustainable change).He is also the creator of The Journey Inward - Planner & Online Community (find Inspiration, Motivation & Connection for your personal growth), and The Journey Onward - Training & Support System (Create Change through Inspired Action & Ongoing Support).


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Speaker's Reel

30-Minute Talks

  • Step Into Your BIGness! (signature talk) ~ A reminder that we are all greater and grander than we imagine ourselves to be. Trevor shares his inner journey around accepting his size as a gift, finding answers within himself, connecting with his true essence & ultimately stepping into his own ‘bigness,’ and giving people tools to do the same in their own lives.

  • 3 Tools to Retain Audience Engagement Around Your Message ~ Most events/programs have no long-term support in place for participants. Without good support, your audience can lose touch with their goals & fall back into old habits & ways of thinking... but what if you could keep them actively engaged well after the event, with minimal time & effort on your part?


  • How to Retain Audience Engagement After Your Event/Program is Complete ~ Learn how to build sustainable support systems for your events & programs, and stay connected with your audience long after your sales funnel is complete ==*

Select Past Talks / Workshops

  • Canada & US 2019-'21 | AMPx & Expert App events ~ Presented at multiple events (virtual & in-person), sharing the stage with Iman Aghay, Kimberly Crowe & Nancy Matthews (TALK & WORKSHOP: Building Your Community)

  • Canada 11/'18 | Perspective Panel ~ "Heart-centered entrepreneurs empowering like-minded individuals to change the world through connection, conversation and collaboration" (discussion panel)

  • New Zealand 5/’17 | Forsyth Barr Stadium’s Inspire Dunedin Event ~ Presented to 200+ Dunedin residents & Facebook Livestream through the Sophie Elliott Foundation (TALK: The Journey Inward & Step Into Your BIGness!; WORKSHOP: Plan to Achieve Your Dreams!)

  • Ecuador 8/’15 | Universidad de Cuenca’s INSPIRE Event ~ Presented to students & faculty, sharing the stage with Stephen Dinan & Devaa Haley Mitchell (TALK: Stepping Into Your BIGness/Smallness; WORKSHOP CO-LEADER: Creating S.M.A.R.T. Goals & Support Systems, Post-Event Re-Integration)

  • Liberia 5/’14 | Monrovia Civic Center’s W. Africa Leaders Conference ~ Presented to 400+ educators & teachers through Youth Action International, sharing the stage with Kimmie Weeks, Sage Lavine, Rich Litvin, Sherri Nickols & Spryte Loriano (TALK: Step Into Your BIGness!; WORKSHOPS: Manifesting Your Destiny, Post-Event Re-Integration)

  • CA, USA 2011-’13 | Messenger Summit, Full-Time Messenger & NatureMinding Events ~ Shared the stage with James Twyman, Bo Eason & Neale Donald Walsch (TALKS: Step Into Your BIGness!, You Are ALWAYS Manifesting Your Destiny, Success through Self-Confidence)


“Trevor is one of the most sincere, helpful and authentic individuals I know. When on stage his presence is felt like a warm bath with bubbles. He truly is out to make a positive difference in the lives of those he meets. In any capacity you can work with Trevor, do!” ~ Spryte Loriano, Water Bearers Founder

Spryte Loriano

Jess Tomlinson, TEDxWomen Event Producer

Trevor Thomas

Contact Trevor Thomas

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Past Talks & Workshops

  • Canada & US 2019-'21 | AMPx & Expert App events ~ Presented at multiple events (virtual & in-person), sharing the stage with Iman Aghay, Kimberly Crowe & Nancy Matthews (TALK & WORKSHOP: Building Your Community)

  • Canada 11/'18 | Perspective Panel ~ "Heart-centered entrepreneurs empowering like-minded individuals to change the world through connection, conversation and collaboration" (discussion panel)

  • New Zealand 5/’17 | Forsyth Barr Stadium’s Inspire Dunedin Event ~ Presented to 200+ Dunedin residents & Facebook Livestream through the Sophie Elliott Foundation (TALK: The Journey Inward & Step Into Your BIGness!; WORKSHOP: Plan to Achieve Your Dreams!)

  • Ecuador 8/’15 | Universidad de Cuenca’s INSPIRE Event ~ Presented to students & faculty, sharing the stage with Stephen Dinan & Devaa Haley Mitchell (TALK: Stepping Into Your BIGness/Smallness; WORKSHOP CO-LEADER: Creating S.M.A.R.T. Goals & Support Systems, Post-Event Re-Integration)

  • Liberia 5/’14 | Monrovia Civic Center’s W. Africa Leaders Conference ~ Presented to 400+ educators & teachers through Youth Action International, sharing the stage with Kimmie Weeks, Sage Lavine, Rich Litvin, Sherri Nickols & Spryte Loriano (TALK: Step Into Your BIGness!; WORKSHOPS: Manifesting Your Destiny, Post-Event Re-Integration)

  • CA, USA 2011-’13 | Messenger Summit, Full-Time Messenger & NatureMinding Events ~ Shared the stage with James Twyman, Bo Eason & Neale Donald Walsch (TALKS: Step Into Your BIGness!, You Are ALWAYS Manifesting Your Destiny, Success through Self-Confidence)

Past Interviews